Do you brush your teeth before or after coffee/breakfast?

by: Harrison Gereau

Job :


ALBANY, NY (NEWS10) – Today’s 98.3 TRY social dilemma came from John. Here is his email:

Hey Jaime, please fix this for me and my wife. We’ve had the same argument for years. Well, argument is a strong word, but certainly disagreement. Do you brush your teeth before or after having your coffee or breakfast? I wake up, have my breakfast, have a cup of coffee, then brush my teeth getting ready to go out into the world. My wife, meanwhile, wakes up, brushes her teeth, then has her coffee and breakfast. I explain to her that she then has coffee breath all day. She says she’ll be drinking several cups throughout the morning anyway. She also says that when she wakes up, she wants her mouth fresh and clean as soon as possible. I think it’s better to brush your teeth after eating and drinking. So what about you? Do you brush your teeth before your first cup of coffee or after? Thank you

~ John

I admit that I look more like John’s wife. I brush as soon as I get up. I don’t have my first cup of coffee before I leave the house, but that’s because my schedules are really weird. But I admit that even on weekends, I wake up and brush my teeth and then have my coffee or my breakfast.

So what about you? Do you brush your teeth when you get up for the first time or do you brush your teeth after breakfast? Let me know on the TRY the Facebook page.